Courageous behavior or character

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2019 is a Brave year for me. I am saying goodbye to some old things and beginning lots of new things. Sometimes these changes are difficult in our field of counseling because sometimes our life changes affects the lives of the clients we see.

It’s scary, I know. Change. Uncertainty. What’s next? You may be asking yourself if you are ready to start the new job, work towards your Registered Play Therapy Credential, or leave a steady paycheck for private practice.

There are many feelings you can have when you’re making these sort of changes, fear, excitement, sadness, happiness, anxiety, and joy all rolled into one, or at different points along the journey. It’s never easy. But I find that it’s worth the challenge. It stretches me as a therapist and as a person. It sifts out the parts of me that need to leave and brings to the surface what I’m made of.

It grounds me, and my roots into my faith and values grow deeper and I grow closer to whom I believe God as asking me to be in this world.

So what do you do when you’re juggling all the changes so that you don’t feel like you’re going to lose your mind? Here are a few things that have helped me.

  • Ask for Help.
  • Be extra intentional about scheduling time for recreation and family bonding.
  • Partner with a friend/colleague that you can bounce things off of or call and unwind with.
  • Journal.
  • For me, staying consistent with my faith practices (prayer, reading spiritual books, etc..)
  • Remind yourself that you’re not alone and that your feelings are normal.
  • Seek your own therapy if needed.

Whatever you are Braving this year I hope you have Courage, to push through the fear, past the uncertainty, and into the new things this year will bring.

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